                              ISLAND OF KESMAI
			Original research done in IoK
                      Research and Layout by }-Valis-{
                                  May, 1986
                          Updates by Lynn De'Leslie
                       Dungeon Updates by Silverwolf.II
                       Even more updates by Zanthar..alf
                                 July, 1991
			Verification and Update for Legends
				Malachi - Feb, 1997
The above-ground play area in ISLAND OF KESMAI measures 141 squares from
West to East, which is too wide to print on a single 8 1/2 by 11 sheet of
paper.  For this edition, I have divided the surface into four zones, each
about 36 squares across.  Each Map game Square is represneted by a 1x2
character on the Map (ie, 2 characters define 1 square).
Form feeds are embedded for your computer's printer.  If your printer does
not support form feeds, edit this file and add sufficient lines to print
each map on a separate sheet of paper.
Reasonable care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of these maps, but I
will not be responsible for anything that happens to your character arising
from their use.  (YOU try mapping with a griffin hanging on YOUR back! <G>)
Thanks to all the People at Kescorp for providing a wonderful gaming
If you find any corrections, please feel free to post them, or contact me
with them.  (Malachi LE@aol.com)
I have adopted the De'Leslie coordinate system originally developed in the
IoK environment.  In addition, I have added Room Numbers for each room on a
level in the Dungeons.  These are primarily used as references when trying
to locate a person (or their Death Pile).  For just wandering the Dungeon,
the Map by itself should be more that sufficient.
De'Leslie Coordinates -
Each square can be refered to by 3 numbers: longitude, latitude, and level.
Longitude is marked along the bottom of the map, latitude along the side.
The level is indicated near the section being shown.  The surface is level 0,
areas underground are given negative levels, and areas above ground positive
ones.  (example - The Portal to Axe is at 92,6,-3).
        -------------------------  LEGEND  --------------------------
      | .       empty plain            o       trashcan               |
      | ~~      water                  mm      altar                  |
      | {}      forest                 ==      counter                |
      | /\      mountains              ()      boxing ring (gym)      |
      | []      wall                           or pit                 |
      | [_      ruined wall            up      up stair               |
      | |  --   door                   dn      down stair             |
      | ::      bridge,tile,carpet     ~.      ice/glacier            |
      | %%      open air (cliff)       ??      permanent darkness     |
      | SD      secret door            ^       dead tree              |
      | ##      grate                  ""      grasslands             |
      | /       sand                   *       silver circle portal   |
      | TT      impenetrable forest    pb      pit bottom             |
      | WW      impassable Water       hb      hole bottom            |
      | FF      Fountain                       (open air above)       |
      | ..      Path                   wb      Spider Web             |
      | **      Fire                   :_      Ruined Bridge          |
      |                                                               |
      |   Note: All place names are written on open ground squares    |
      |  or uninterrupted forest/mountain/sea squares.  No features   |
      |                    are disturbed by them.                     |
Kesmai - an island nation with a colorful history.  Many years ago, Kesmai was
the central base for a group of Pirates that were plaguing the high seas that
surround the island.  There pirates were ruthless, and they plundered many
ships passing between the different Nations (picking on the Illyrian ships
the most, due to the vast wealth of that nation).  In setting up their base,
the Pirates cleared the entire surface of Kesmai.  Much of the indiginous life
was destroyed, or moved underground to avoid the marauding pirates.
After a while, the Brotherhood of Yasnac, having been ousted from Mu and other
provinces, were looking for a base of operation to continue thier evil
experiments.  They discovered the island, and quickly made an alliance with
Pirates to use some areas of the island for thier own purposes.  The Pirates,
seeing an opportunity for some quick material wealth, readily agreed, and they
allowed the brotherhood access to the Eastern part of the Island.
Soon, though, the Brotherhood grew in power, and they tired of dealing with 
the pirates.  One Night, the brotherhood summoned a Drake from thier Dwelling
on the East Side of the Island, and they sent the Drake to devour the Pirate
camp.  Once the Drake was finished, the Brotherhood, in one of the few truly
successful efforts, transported the Drake to the province of Leng, where it
took up residence, and aided the Brotherhood in reestablishing a hold in that
The Brotherhood then took over the Pirates camp, and they discovered there the
entrance to the catacombs.  In their explorations they found the portal system
that had been established by the ancients.  A little exploration showed them
how to activate the portals, and then allowed them to determine where these
portals led them.  They were to become a key to many of the experiments that
they performed.
The Brotherhood established a small fishing village to cover their existance,
and the Brotherhood itself moved to the catacombs below the surface to continue
their experiments.  As is documented in other sources, the Brotherhood
continued to thrive for some time, and were able to plan out the demise of
the Grand order of Thaums, who were responsible for exiling them to the island.
Other documents go into greater detail on the History of the Brotherhood, and
I will not go into any great details here.  but the Brotherhood summoned a
Dragon, and were prepared to transport it to the Central temple of the Grand
Order of Thaums.  Disaster struck the Brotherhood, and they were eliminated
from the island, and except for a few of the brothers that managed to make it
to one of the portals, their presence was eliminated from the known lands.
Island Town
The Town of Kesmai was re-established many years ago by explorers that
discovered the ruins of the Pirate village/Fishing Village.  The Treasure 
that was taken confirmed that this was a great place to be, and so early
colonists fought to reclaim the Land.  Only the Town proper was reclaimed,
and the rest of the island has finally reverted to it's original wild state.
To the Northwest of the town is an ancient shrine that can be used to send
one's essence into Limbo, to later be summoned by an Ancester.  This can
be beneficial for those times where a person has reached the end of their
existance, but would like to pass on their knowledge, and maybe a special
weapon, for their Ancesters use.
Southwest of town, in some ancient ruins, is one of the entrances used to
enter the dungeon.  Slightly north of this ruin is a Demon Altar.
In the town itself, one can find the Temple (rebuilt from the temple that the
brotherhood built, and scoured so that any evil markings have been removed).
Also in the town is a Gym, the Bank and Lockers, a Jeweler, the Armory, and
the weapon Smith.  The Blue Noose Tavern was established by Rolf's family
many years ago as a place for adventurers to gather, exchange stories, or plot
new hunts.  A tanner shop was set up to help adventurers create some of the
more exotic armors and furs.
Inside the temple is the main entrance to the dungeons proper.  There is a
guard kept in the temple to keep the vermin from climbing up to the town,
but otherwise, the dungeon is left intact (by order of the Kesmai Chamber of
Due to some extremly high magics, the Town is constantly lit, and no harmful
magic may be performed.  Any magician that chooses to ignore this, and attmepts
to cast these powerful magics will automatically change alignment, and be
subject to the full scorn of the entire population of the town.
West Island - Kesmai Town (Level 0)
   WW~~/\/\/\~~. {}{}/ / ~~~~~~. . . ~~~~~~~~~~[][][][][][][][][][][][][]. . 
35 WW~~/\mm{}{}. {}{}. / / ~~~~~~. . . ~~~~{}{}[][][][]. []C . []D | . | . FF
   WW~~/\A . {}. {}{}. {}/ ~~~~~~~~. ~~~~~~{}{}[]dn. []--[]mmmm[][][]. [][][]
   WW~~/\. . . . {}{}. {}{}{}~~~~~~~~~~~~{}{}{}[][]--[]. E . . . . []. | . . 
   WW~~/\/\/\. . {}{}. . . {}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{}{}[]. . []. . Temple. []. [][][]
   WW~~~~{}{}{}{}{}{}. . {}{}/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~{}{}[]. . | . . . . . . | . . . . 
30 WW~~~~~~{}{}{}{}{}. {}{}{}/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. [][][][][][]----[][][][][][][]
   WW~~~~~~~~{}{}{}..{}{}{}{}~~~~~~~~~~~~{}{}. {}. . . . . . . . . o . . . . 
   WW~~~~~~~~~~{}{}..{}{}{}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{}[][][][][]. . . . . . . . [][][][]
   WW~~~~~~~~{}{}{}..{}{}{}{}~~~~~~~~{}{}{}[]. F . []. . ~~~~~~. . . [].Gym. 
   WW~~~~~~~~~~{}{}....{}{}{}/ ~~~~~~{}{}{}[]======[]. . ~~FF~~. . . | . (). 
25 WW~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{}..{}/ / ~~~~~~~~~~{}{}SD. . . | . . ~~~~~~. . . []. . G 
   WW~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. . / / ~~~~~~~~~~{}[][][][][][]o . . . . . . . [][][][]
   WW~~~~~~~~~~~~. {}. . / ~~~~~~~~~~~~{}[]. . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
   WW~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::~~{}~~~~~~~~{}{}{}[]. . []up[][][][]. . [][][][][]. . 
   WW~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::~~~~~~~~~~~~{}{}{}[]. . [][][]Bank| . . [].Armor[]. . 
20 WW~~~~mmWW~~~~~~/ / ~~~~~~/ {}{}{}{}{}[][][][]. []. . []. . [].Shop []. []
   WW~~B~WWWW/ / / ..../ / / / {}{}{}{}{}[]H . []==[][]==[]. . [][]==[][]. []
   WW~~~~mmWW{}{}{}..{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}[]. . []I . []. []. . | . . . []. |
   WW~~~~~~/ / {}....{}{}{}{}~~~~{}{}{}{}[][]--[][]--[][][]. . [][][][][]. []
   WW~~~~~~~~~~{}..{}{}{}~~~~~~~~{}{}{}....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
15 WW~~~~~~~~~~~~..{}{}{}{}~~~~~~{}{}....{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}o . . [][][][][][]. 
   WW~~~~~~/ {}{}..{}{}{}{}{}{}~~~~~~..{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}. . [].Weapon []. 
   WW~~~~~~/ . ..{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}~~..{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}. . . . []. Shop. []. 
   WW~~~~~~/ {}..{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}..::..{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}. . . [][]====[][]. 
   WW~~~~~~/ . ..{}{}{}{}{}{}{}....~~{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}. . . []. . . . []. 
10 WW~~~~. / . . . . . {}{}{}{}..~~~~{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}. . . . | . . . . []{}
   WW~~~~[][][][][]. . {}{}{}{}..~~{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}. . . . . . [][][][][][]{}
   WW~~~~[]. . . | . . {}{}......~~~~. {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}o . . . . . . . . . . 
   WW~~~~[_. . . []/ / ....../ / ~~~~. . ~~~~{}{}{}{}~~~~~~::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. 
   WW~~~~[]. dn. []/ ~~{}/ / ~~/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 5 WW~~~~[]. [][][]~~~~~~/ / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   1       5         1         1         2         2         3         3   3
                     0         5         0         5         0         5   7
A - Shrine of Tranquility		Locker Room - Lvl 1
B - Demon Shrine
C - Thaum Trainer			23 [][][]      %%%%%%
D - Forgiver Ghost			   []dn[][][][]%%%%%%
E - Balm Seller				   []. . . mm[]%%%%%%
F - Blue Noose Tavern			20 []. . . . . %%%%%%
G - Weapon Trainer			   []. [][][][]%%%%%%
H - Low MA Trainer			18 [][][]      %%%%%%
I - Jewelers Shop			               %%%%%%
Stairs up at 24,22,0 to Locker Room	   2   2         3 3
Stairs Down at 6,6,0 to 6,6,-1		   3   5         0 1
Stairs Down at 24,34,0 to 24,34,-1
East end of Town
Just east of town is a little market square. It lies just outside of the
town limits, which suits most of the merchants there just fine.	 In that
marketplace, one can find a seller of the recall ring, which will whisk
an adventurer out of danger in an instant.
Part of the Temple (which is still considered to be in town) lies in
the eastern part of town.  The portal complex developed by the ancients
will deposit people returning from the foriegn lands in the Easternmost
part of the Temple, where they can make thier way back into the town
Dik, an enterprising young man at the time, found a special set of rooms
that were once used by the brotherhood as offices for some of the officials.
this set of rooms had secret entrances to the upper 2 levels of the dungeon,
and was isolated from the creatures that roamed there.  With the help of
a couple of others, the Thieves guild was established in these rooms, with
a Pawn shop serving as a front.
Farther east, well out of town, the ruins of an older weapons shop can be
found.  These ruins have been rebuilt, and a truly amazing person can be
found here.  Rocky T. Orc is the last surviving member of a group that
was devestated by the Brotherhood, and he was once a great fighter, though
having been transformed into an Orc, he is shunned by the townspeople.  He
lives alone in the old Weapons shop, and prefers the solitude that he
finds there.
Other ancient ruins may be found just east of town, the last remains of the
original village that was built many years ago.
West Central - Thieves Guild/Pawn/Wizard - Oakvale Portal
   {}[]::::::[]{}{}{}~~~~~~~~~~. . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. . . . ~~~~~~~~
35 . [][][]--[]{}{}{}/ ~~~~~~. . . . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. . . . . ~~~~~~
   --[]. . . []{}{}{}{}/ / ~~~~~~~~. . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ~~~~~~~~~~
   . []. . . []{}{}{}{}{}/ / / / ~~. . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   [][]. A . []{}{}{}{}{}{}{}/ / ~~~~~~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   . | . . . []{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}/ / / ~~~~~~~~{}{}~~~~{}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
30 [][][][][][]{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}/ / ~~~~{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}~~~~~~~~~~~~
   . . . . . {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}~~{}{}{}{}{}~~~~~~~~~~
   []. [][]--[][]{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}~~{}~~{}{}{}/ ~~~~~~~~
   []. []. B . []{}{}{}{}{}{}~~{}{}{}{}{}{}{}~~{}~~{}{}{}/ / / ~~~~~~
   []. [][][][][]{}{}{}{}{}{}{}~~{}{}{}{}{}{}/ / / / / / / / ~~~~~~~~
25 []. []. [][][]{}{}{}{}{}{}{}~~~~~~~~~~{}/ / / / / / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   []. []==[][]{}{}{}{}{}{}; ; ; ; ; {}{}~~::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   . . | C . []{}{}. ; ; ; ; {}{}{}; {}{}{}; {}{}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   . I}[][][][]{}{}. . {}{}{}. {}{}; ; ; ; ; {}{}{}{}{}~~~~~~~~~~{}{}
   . . . . . . {}. . {}{}. {}. {}{}{}; {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}~~~~{}{}{}
20 [][][]. {}{}. . . {}. {}. {}{}. {}; {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}
   D mm[]. . . . . {}{}{}{}{}. . {}{}; {}{}{}{}~~~~{}~~{}~~{}{}{}{}{}
   . . []. [][][][]{}{}. . {}{}{}. {}; ; {}{}; ; {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}
   [][][]. []. E []{}. {}. . {}{}{}{}{}; {}{}; ~~{}{}~~{}{}[ []. [ {}
   . H . . | . . []{}{}{}{}{}. {}{}{}{}; ; ; ; {}~~{}~~{}~~[]mm{}[]{}
15 . {}. o [][][][]{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}; ; ; ~~{}{}~~{}{}~~[]. [ {}{}
   {}. {}G {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}; ; {}~~{}{}~~{}~~{}{}{}{}
   []--[][][][][][]{}{}[]{}[][ {}{}{}{}{}{}{}; {}{}{}/ {}{}~~{}{}{}{}
   []F S . . []K []{}{}[ . {}[]{}{}{}{}{}{}~~; ; {}{}~~{}{}{}{}{}{}{}
   []. [][]--[]==[]{}{}[]{}{}[ {}{}{}~~~~{}~~~~; ; ; ::; ; {}{}{}{}{}
10 []==[]??????. []{}{}[ [ [][]{}{}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{}{}~~{}; ; ; . . . 
   []. []dn . . . []{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}~~~~~~~~{}{}. ~~~~{}{}{}. . . . 
   [][][][][][][][]{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}~~~~~~~~{}{}~~~~{}. . . {}{}. 
   . . {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. . ~~[][][][][]{}{}
   . . . {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}~~~~~~~~~~~~::::[]. J . []{}{}
 5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{}~~{}{}{}{}{}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::[][]====[]/ {}
   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{}{}{}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::| . . . []/ ~~
   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::[][][][][]/ ~~
   3   4         4         5         5         6         6         7  
   8   0         5         0         5         0         5         0  
A - Portal Return Point          I - Mugwort Seller
B - Sheriff's Office             J - Rocky's Weapon shop
C - Apothecary                   K - Thief Trainer
D - Wizard Trainer
E - Sage
F - Pawn Shop
G - Recall Ring Seller
H - Dr.Taylor Blindness Cure
dn at 41,9,0 to Thieves guild Basement 41,9,-2
Farther to the East, Ironbar established a blacksmith shop.  His skill with
the Anvil and Hammer leave him renowned as one of the greatest weaponsmiths
in the lands, but the constant interruptions forced him to move his shop to
a more remote location.  He will still forge a weapon of great durability for
those that seek him with the right materials.
Phong, the Martial Arts Master, also moved to the far East, near to IronBar,
so that his students could recieve the quality training that they deserved
without the constant interruptions associated with the town.
A group of Centaurs has taken to wandering the Eastern Woods, protecting the
wildlife from any further intrusion by the human popluation.  There is a
great hatred of any that walk on 2 legs, caused by the original intrusion
of the Pirates many years before, and worsend by the wanton destruction caused
by the Brotherhood during the height of their power.  The Centaurs will slay
ANY that cross into their domain (which at times leads up to the very edge of
Between the Centaur's Island and Ironbars is an ancient graveyard.  Legend has
it that many ghosts and spirits walk the Graveyard at night, though none has
actually proven the existance of such spirits.  in the center of the Graveyard
is a special portal, that will transport the person activating it to the realm
of the underworld, where that person may quest to regain lost skill and
Also near Ironbars is a small pit, which will lead directly to the 3rd level
of the dungeon.  Caution should be taken when using this access, as the
bottom of the pit is usually guarded by Hobgoblins, Trolls, Gargoyles, and
even Wraiths.
East Central Island - Centaur Isle - Graveyard - West Tree Game Reserve
   ~~~~~~~~ Centaur Isle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 
   ~~~~~~~~~~~~{}{}{}{}{}{}{}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ / / / / ~~~~~~
35 ~~~~~~{}{}{}{}{}{}. {}{}{}{}/ / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{}{}{}{}{}{}{}/ / / 
   ~~{}{}{}{}{}[_[][]{}{}{}{}{}/ / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}
   ~~~~/ {}{}{}{}. [_{}{}{}/ ../ / / / ~~~~~~~~~~~~{}{}{}{}{}{}[_[_[][][_
   ~~~~/ {}{}{}{}{}{}{}........{}{}{}{}~~~~~~~~~~~~{}{}{}{}{}{}[]. . . . 
   ~~~~~~{}{}{}{}{}~~~~~~{}{}{}{}{}{}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{}{}{}{}{}. . . . [] 
30 ~~~~~~~~{}{}{}~~~~~~~~{}{}{}{}{}{}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{}{}{}{}{}[_[][][_[_
25 ~~{}{}~~{}{}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}/ / / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{}{}{}{}{}TREE{}{}{}
20 {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}. . . . . / ~~{}~~~~{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}GAME{}{}{}
   {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}gg{}gggg{}. {}{}{}~~{}{}{}{}/ / / {}{}{}{}RESERVE}{}
   {}{}[_[][]. [_{}gggggg. {}gg{}{}~~{}~~~~{}~~{}/ / / {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}
   {}{}[]{}. {}[]{}gggggg* gggg. {}{}~~{}{}~~{}/ / / {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}
   {}{}{}[_. . [_{}gggggggggg{}{}. {}~~~~{}{}~~{}/ / / / {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}
15 {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}gggg{}{}gg. . ~~{}~~{}~~{}~~~~/ / / / {}{}{}{}{}{}{}
   {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}~~{}~~~~~~{}~~{}{}/ / {}{}{}{}{}{}{}
   {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}. . . . {}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ / / {}..{}{}....
   {}{}{}{}{}[][][][]{}. . . . . . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ {}{}{}{}{}{}{}
   {}{}{}{}{}[]A mm[]. . . . . . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ / / {}{}{}{}{}{}{}
10 . (){}{}{}[]. . []{}. . . . . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ / {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}
   . . . {}{}[][]- []. . . . . . . {}{}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ / / / {}{}{}{}{}~~
   . . . . . . . . . . . []- [][]{}{}{}{}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ {}{}{}{}{}~~
   {}. . . . . . ~~~~. . []. . []{}{}{}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{}{}{}{}{}~~
   {}{}{}. . . . ~~~~. . []. B []{}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 5 {}{}{}{}. . . . . . . [][][][]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   7       7         8         8         9         9         1         1
   1       5         0         5         0         5         0         0
                                                             0         5
A - Ironbar, BBS Blacksmith
B - Phong, High MA Trainer
Pit at 72,10,0 to 72,10,-3
Portal at 82,17,0 To Underworld (Make sure to Locker your belongings)
In the farthest reaches to the East, in the small shrine the brotherhood used
to summon the Drake, a lone survivor from the brotherhood still exists.
Since much of the brotherhoods power was derived from the teamwork, his power
is not as great as it once was, but Ydnac is still powerful in the ways of
Thaumaturgy, and is generally left to his minimal devices.  If an adventurer
should chance to slay Ydnac and enter his area, he may find one of the
legendary returning hammers.
Herman and Harriette, a pair of Knights from the old order, grew tired of
the constant hunting of the Brotherhood, and have retired to a partially
hidden cave on the Island.  The way to reach them is guarded by 2 very
tough Griffins, and an occasional bear, but any fighter who is worthy may 
make the effort to reach Herman and recieve Knighthood.
Harriette deals with only knights, and then only those knights that have
made the brave effort of slaying the Dragon.  If they take a small token of
thier encounter with the dragon to Harriette, she will impart some of her
wisdom to those Knights (along with a more practical token of her esteem).
To the South and East, an Ancient portal exists that will transport an
adventurer to Leng.  This was used alot by the brotherhood, and though
the Portal area is slighly overgrown these days, it is still active.  The
destination of this particular portal leads to the Portal Complex in Leng,
from which an adventurer may journey to any of the other lands.
East Island - Evil Thaum and Leng Portal - Hermans - East Tree game Reserve
   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/\[]. . . A . . []/\/\/\/\/\/\/\[][_[][]/\
   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{}[]--[][][][]B []/\/\/\/\/\/\/\[][_. []/\
   ~~/ / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{}{}{}{}/\/\/\[][][]{}~~~~~~{}{}/\[]mm. [_/\
35 / / {}/ / / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/\/\/\~~~~~~~~~~~~{}{}{}/\/\[]. C []/\
   {}{}{}{}{}{}/ / / ~~~~~~~~{}{}{}/\/\/\{}{}~~~~~~/ / / / ~~/\/\[][_. [_/\
   [][_[][]{}{}. ~~~~~~~~{}{}{}{}{}/\/\{}{}{}{}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/\/\/\. /\/\
   {}{}. [_{}{}{}/ / ~~~~~~~~{}{}{}{}{}{}{}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~WW~~~~~~~~. /\/\
   . . . []{}{}{}{}{}/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~{}{}{}{}{}/\/\~~~~~~~~~~~~WW~~~~~~~~~~/\
30 [_[][_[]{}{}{}{}/ / ~~~~~~~~~~{}{}{}{}{}{}/\/\~~~~~~~~~~~~WWWW~~~~~~~~/\
   {}{}{}{}{}{}{}/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~{}{}{}{}{}/\{}{}/\/\~~~~~~~~~~~~WW~~~~~~~~/\
   {}. . {}{}{}{}{}{}/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/\/\{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}~~WWWWWWWWWWWW
25 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{}{}{}/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~{}/\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~WW
   {}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{}{}/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~{}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~WW
   {}{}{}~~~~~~~~{}{}/ / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~WW
   {}{}{}{}{}~~{}{}{}/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{}{}{}~~~~~~~~~~~~WW
20 {}TREE{}{}{}{}{}{}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~WW
   {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}. . . . []. . . . / / ~~~~~~~~~~~~WW
   {}{}{}{}{}. {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}. . . . []. . . []. . {}{}/ ~~~~~~~~~~WW
15 {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}. . . . / / / . . . . {}{}/ ~~~~~~~~WW
   {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}. . []. * mm/ . []. . . {}{}/ ~~~~~~WW
   {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}..{}{}..{}..{}{}. . . . . / / / . . . . . . / ~~~~~~~~WW
   {}{}{}{}..{}....{}{}~~~~~~/ / / / . . . []. . . []. . {}{}{}/ ~~~~~~~~WW
   {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}~~~~~~~~~~~~/ / / . . . []. . . . / / / ~~~~~~~~~~WW
10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ / / / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~WW
   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ / / ~~~~/ / / / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~WW
   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ / / / / / / / / / ~~~~~~~~~~WW
 5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ / / / / / / / / / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~WW
   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ / / / / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~WW
   1       1         1         1         1         1         1         1
   0       1         1         2         2         3         3	       4
   6       0         5         0         5         0         5         0
A - Hermann, Knight Trainer
B - Henrietta, Knight Quest NPC
C - Ydnac, Evil Thaum
Portal at 127,14,0 is to Leng Portal Complex
The Highest level of the dungeon was once where the Brotherhood maintained
thier residences.  A library of thier works was once in the NW corner of the
level, though most of the works have been destroyed (though not before a
few of the brighter Orcs and Goblins managed to learn a few of the secrets
of using Magic).
Much of the level is now inhabited mostly by the lowest of creatures,
skeletons and Kobolds, with an occasional Orc, or a Troll.  On rare
occasions, a wight, one of the weakest of the undead casters, can be found,
and these should be treated with respect.
Many years after the downfall of the Brotherhood, a disfigured fighter made
his way through the dungeon, and after findin a special room hidden behind
several secret doors, took up a sort of residency.  The Trog, as he was
called, appears to be part troll, part ogre, and part human.  He can be
a formidable opponent for a beginning adventurer, but poses no real threat
for an experienced warrior.
A secret passage leading to the thieves guild may be found on the
eastern side of this level.
Kesmai Dungeon - Level -1
   []. . . []. . [][]. . . []dn. . []. []. . . []. . . . . . . . . [][]
   []. 1 . []. 2 [][]. 3 . [][][]--[]. []. 4 . []. [][][][][][][]. [][]
   []. . . [][]--[][]. . . | . . . | . []. . . []. []. []. . . []. [][]
35 []. . . . . . [][]--[][][][][]. []. [][][]--[]SD[]. []. 6 . []. [][]
   []--[][][][][][][]. []. . . . . []. . . . . . up[]. []. . . | . [][]
   []. [][][][][][][][][]. [][][][][][][][][]. 5 . []SD[][][][][][][][]
   []. []. . . . . . . . . []. . . | . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . [][]
   []--[][][][][]. []. [][][]. [][][]. 9 . [][][][][]. 10. [][][]. [][]
30 []. . . | . . . []. . . | . . . []. . . | . . . []. . . . . []. [][]
   []. 7 . [][][]. []. 8 . [][][]--[][][][][][][][][][][]--[]. []. [][]
   []. . . []. []. []. . . []. | . . . . . . . . . . . []. []. []. [][]
   []. . . []. []. [][][][][]--[]. 11. [][][]. []. 12. []--[][][]. [][]
   []. . . []. []. []. . . . . []. . . []. []. []. . . []. . . []. [][]
25 []--[]SD[]. []. []. . 13. . [][][][][]. []. [][][][][]. 14. [][][][]
   []. []. []. . . []. . . . . | . . . []. []. . . | . SD. . . | . [][]
   []. []. [][][][][]. [][][][][]. . . []. []. 16. []. [][][][][]. [][]
   []. []. SD. . . []. []. . . []. 15. []. | . . . []. . . . . | . [][]
   []--[][][]. . . []. []. []. []. . . [][][][][][][][][][][][][]--[][]
20 []. . . []. 17. []. []. []. []. . . . . | . | . . . dn. []. . . [][]
   []. . . []. . . []. []. []. [][][]. . . [][][]. 18. []. []. 19. [][]
   []. . . []. . . []. []. []. . . | . . . []. | . . . []. []. . . [][]
   []--[][][]--[]--[]. []. [][][][][][][][][][][][][]SD[]. []--[][][][]
   []. []. . . . . []. . . [][][][][][][][][][][][][]. []. []. . [][][]
15 []. []. . 20. . []--[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]. []--[]. . [][][]
   []. []. . . . . []. | . [][][][][][][][][][]. [_[][]. . [].21 [][][]
   []. [][][][][][][]. []. [][][][][][][][][]. [_. [_[][][][]. . [][][]
   []. . . . . . . . . []. . [][][][]. . [][][]. . 27. . . []. . SD. . 
   []. [][][][][][][][][]. []. [][]. [][]. [][][]. . . [_. []--[][][][]
10 []. . . . . . . . . . . [][]. ~~[][][]. . [][][][][][]. | . . . [][]
   []. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][]~~[][]. . [][][][_. [_. []. 25. [][]
   []. . . . . | . . . []. [][][][][][][][][]. [][][]. [_. []. . . [][]
   []. []. 22. []. 23. []. [][][][][][][][][][]. [][]. []SD[][][][][][]
   []. []. . up[]. . . []. [][]~~. [][][][][][]()[][]. []. . . . . [][]
 5 []. [][][][][][][]--[]--[][]. %%[][]. [][]. [][][]--[][][][][]. [][]
   []. . . . . . . . . . . []~~. . [][]. . . [][][][]. . . []. []. [][]
   []. [][][][][]. . 24. . []. A . ~~[][]. . [][][][]. 26. []. []. [][]
   []. . . . dn[]. . . . . []. . . ~~[][][][][][][][]. . . []. . . [][]
 1 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
   1       5         1         1         2         2         3       3
                     0         5         0         5         0       4
A. Lair of the Trog (reached via a Climb from -2)
Up at 24,34,-1 to 24,34,0 (Temple Entrance)
Up at 6,6,-1, to 6,6,0 (Old Ruins SW of town)
Pit at 23,6,-1 to 59,6,-2
dn at 6,2,-1 to 42,2,-2
dn at 27,20,-1 to 63,20,-2
dn at 14,38,-1 to 50,38,-2
Jump down at 16,5,-1 to 51,5,-2
The 2nd Level of the Kesmai Dungeon was one of the places where experiments
were conducted.  In the far SE corner of the level, a small temple, of sorts,
can be found.  Inside this area is a portal that leads to the Land of Leng.
Near the Portal room is a grand door that will lead straight to the 3rd level
of the dungeon.
Also on this level, hidden behind a secret door, is the Shrine of Bones.  In
this shrine, a person may attempt to summon an ancester to obtain any gifts
of experience or weapons that the ancester is willing to impart.
Finally, from the shrine of bones, is the secret passage that leads to a
climb up to the Trog's lair.
In the Southwest corner of level, behind a secret door, is the lower level of
the thieves guild.  Oswulf, the thief weapon trainer, keeps his facility here,
and it is from this level that access to both the first and second levels of
dungeon is reached.
The inhabitants on this level are slightly stronger than those that inhabit
the first level.  There are fewer Kobolds, and one can find more Goblins and
Orcs.  Some of the Orcs are capable of casting a fireball or Web, so caution
should be taken when first entering this level.  Also, an occasional Gargoyle,
some Hobgoglins, or a Wraith may be found, though those are mosly near the
temple area that connects with -3.  Skeletons still abound, and the wights
are slightly more numerous, and the trolls are tougher (and may sometimes
be found as a group).
Kesmai Dungeon - Level -2
   [][][]dn. . []. . . . . . . up. . . . . | . . . []. . . [][][][][][][][][]
   [][][]. 1 . []. . . . . . 2 . . . . . . [][][]--[][][]. [][][][][][][][][]
   [][]. . . . []. . . . . . . . . . . . . []. []. . . SD. [][][][][][][][][]
35 [][][]. [][][][][][][]--[][][]. [][][][][]--[]. 3 . [][][][][][][][][][]~~
   [][][]. []. . . . . | . SD. []. []. . . . . []. . . []. [][][][][][][][]~~
   [][][]--[][][][][][][]--[][][]--[]. . . . . [][][][][]. [][][][][][][][]~~
   [][][]. . . | . . . . . []. . . []. . .7. . | . . . . . []. . . . . [][]~~
   [][][]. 4 . [][][]SD[]. []. 6 . []--[]. . . [][][][][]. [][][][][]--[][]~~
30 [][]. . . . []. . . []. []. . . . . []. . . | . . . []. . . | . . . [][]~~
   [][][][][][][]. 5 . []. []--[][][]. []. . . []. 8 . [][][][][]. . . [][]~~
   [][][]. . . | . . . []. . . []. . . []. . . []. . . . . . . []. 9 . [][][]
   [][][][][][][][][][][]. [][][]. [][][]. [][][][][][][]. []. []. . . [][][]
   [][][]. . . . . | . . . []. . . []. . . []. []. . . | . []. []. . dn[][][]
25 [][][]. . 10. . [][][][][]--[]. []. [][][]. []. 11. []. []. [][][][][][][]
   [][][]. . . . . []. SD. . . []. []. . . . . []. . . []. []. . . SD. [][][]
   [][][]--[][][]--[][][]. 14. []. [][][][][]--[][][][][]. []. . . []. [][][]
   [][][]. . . []. . . | . . . []. . . []. []. . . | . . . []. . . []. [][][]
   [][][]. . . []. 13. [][][]--[][][][][]--[]. 16. [][][][][]. 17. []. [][][]
20 [][][]. 12. []. . . . . []. . . []. . . []. . . []. . up[]. . . []. [][][]
   [][][]. . . []--[]--[]. [][][]. []. 15. [][][]--[]. [][][]--[][][]. [][][]
   [][][]. . . []. []. []. . . []. []dn. . | . . . []. . . . . []. . . [][][]
   [][][][]--[][]. []. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
   [][][]. . . . . []. . . . . [][][][][][][][][][][][][]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
15 [][][][][][][][][][][][][]. [][][][]. mm. [][][][][][]. . ~~~~~~~~~~~~[][]
   [][][]. . . . []A . []. []. [][]. SD. B . [][][][][][]. . ~~~~~~~~~~~~[][]
   [][][]. T1. . [].T2 []. []--[][]. []. . . []. SDdn[][]. [][][][][][][][][]
   . . | . . . . | . . []. . . []. . [][]SD[][]. [][][][]. | . . . | . . . []
   [][][]--[][][][]--[][]. 18. []. [][]. . . . [][][][][]. []. 21. | . []. []
10 [][][]. [][][][]. . []. . . []. [][][]. [][][][][][][]. []. dn. | . . . []
   [][][]. []. up[].T4 []--[]--[]. [][][]. [][][][][][][]. []--[]--[]. []. []
   [][][]. [].T3 | . . []. []. [][]wb[][]. . . [][][][][]. []. 22. []. . . | 
   [][][][][][][][][]SD[]--[]. [][]. [][][][][]. [][][][]. []. mm. []. []. | 
   [][][]. []. . . | . . . []. [][]. [][][][][][]cu[][][]. | . * . | . . . []
 5 [][][]. []. . . []. 20. []. [][]cu[][][][][][][][][][]. []. mm. []. []. []
   [][][]--[]. 19. []. . . []. [][][][][][][][][][][][][]. []. . . []. . . []
   [][][]. . . . . [][][][][]. [][][][][][][][][][][][][]. [][][][][]. []. []
   [][][]. . . up. | . . . []. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . []
 1 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
   3         4         4         5         5         6         6         7 7
   5         0         5         0         5         0         5         0 1
Column 72 is duplicated on the -3 Map, as the Doors in the Southern part
of that column are the divider between the 2 levels.
A. Thief Weapons trainer
B. Shrine of Bones.
T1-T4 is the basement to the Thieves Guild
Passageway at 35,12,-2 to 34,12,-1
Portal at 65,6,-2 to Leng (Amber Stairwell)
up at 41,9,-2 to 41,9,0              dn at 38,38,-2 to 73,38,-3
up at 41,2,-2 to 6,2,-1              dn at 52,18,-2 to 88,18,-3
up at 49,38,-2 to 14,38,-1           dn at 59,13,-2 to 95,13,-3
up at 62,20,-2 to 27,20,-1           dn at 65,10,-2 to 101,10,-3
cu at 58,6,-2 to 23,6,-1             dn at 68,26,-2 to 104,26,-3
cu at 51,5,-2 to 16,6,-1 (Trog)      
many years ago, a river flowed from above, though the source of that river has
been lost.  What was left is now a vast underground lake.  The lake itself
is uninhabited, though one my occasionally find some monster or another on the
island in the lake.  much of the rest of the Level was used either as
either residences for the higher Sorcerers of the brotherhood, or as cages for
some of thier more hideous experiments.
In the south of the level is a strange room.  It seems to open up to the
sky, and is filled with trees.  in the center of the room is a large patch
of ice, in the center of which is a portal.  This portal will lead to
Axe glacier.
Here, some of the monsters begin to show some real toughness.  No longer
will you find Kobolds (unless they have wandered from the levels above).
Mostly, you will find the tougher orcs, Goblins, Hobgoblins, Wights, and
Wraiths.  Salamanders that breath a Wall of Fire wander here as well,
requireing that most adventurers have adequate protection from fire to
survive.  Seldom will a monster be found by itself, unless it is a spell
Kesmai Dungeon - Level -3
   []::up::::::~~~~~~~~~~::. . . . . . []. . . []. . . . . . . . . . . []
   []~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::. . 1 . . . []. 2 . [][][][][]. [][][]SD[]. []
  ][]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::. . . . . . []. . . []. . . . . []. . . []. []
35]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[][][][][]. [][][]--[]. . . [][][]. 6 . []. []
  ]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. . []. . . . . []. []. . . []. []. . . | . []
  ]~~~~~~. . . [][]~~~~~~~~4 . []. [][][][][]. []. 5 . []. [][][][][]. []
  ]~~~~~~. 3 . mm[]~~~~~~~~. . []. []. . . . . []. . . []. . . . . []. []
  ]~~~~~~. . . [][]~~~~~~~~[]. []. []--[][][][][]. . . []. . 7 . . []. []
30]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[]. []. | . . . []. . . . . []. . . . . []. []
  ]~~~~~Lost Lake~~~~~~~~~~[]. []. []. 8 . []. [][][][][]--[][][][][]. []
  ][]~~~~~~of~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[]. []. []. . . []. []. . . . . []. . . | . []
   []~~~~Kesmai~~~~[]--[][][]--[]. [][][][][]--[]. . 11. . []. 12. [][][]
   []~~~~~~~~~~::::| . . . . . []. | . . . . . []. . . . . | . . . up. []
25 []~~~~~~~~~~::. []. . 9 . . [][][]. . 10. . [][][][][][][][][][][]. []
   []~~~~~~~~~~::. []dn. . . . | . []. . . . . []. . . . . []. dn. []. []
   []~~~~~~~~~~::. [][][][][][][]. [][][][]. . []. []. [][][]. . . []. []
   []~~~~~~~~::::. []. . . . . . . . . . . . . []. []. []. . . . . []. []
   []~~~~~~[][][]--[]. . 13. . [][][][][][][][][]. []. []. . . [][][]. []
20 []~~~~~~[]. . . []. . . . . []. . . . . . . | . []. []. . . []. . . []
   []~~~~~~[]. . . [][][][][]--[]. . . 14. . . [][][]. []. 15. []. . . []
   []~~~~~~[]. 17. . . . . []. | . up. . . . . . . . . | . . . []. 16. []
   []~~~~~~[]. . . []. []--[]--[][][][][][][][][][][][][]. . . []. . . []
   ~~~~~~~~[]. . . []. []. . . [][][][][][][][][][][][][]. . . | . . . []
15 []~~~~~~[][][]--[]. []. . . [][][][][][][][][][][][][]SD[][][][][][][]
   []~~~~~~. . . . []. []. 18. [][][][][][][][][][][][][]. []. . . []. []
   []~~[][][][][][][]--[]. . . [][][][][][]. . . up. . | . []. 23. []. []
   []~~[]. . . . . . . []. . . [][][][][][]. [][][][][][]. []. . . []. []
   []~~[]. []. [][][]--[][][]--[][][][][][]. [][][][][][]. []--[][][]--[]
10 []cu. . []. []. []. . . | . [][][]{}{}{}{}{}{}{}[][][]. []up[]. . . []
   []. . . []. []. []. 20. []SD[][]{}{}{}{}[]{}{}{}{}[][]. []. []. 24. []
   | . 19. []. []. | . . . []. [][]{}{}[]~.~.~.[]{}{}[][]. []. []. . . []
   | . . . []. []. [][][]--[]. [][]{}{}~.~.~.~.~.{}{}[][]--[]--[][][]. []
   []. . . []. []. []. . . []. [][]{}[]~.~.* ~.~.[]{}[][]. . . | . . . []
 5 []--[][][]. [][][]. 21. []. [][]{}{}~.~.~.~.~.{}{}[][]. . . [][][][][]
   []. . . []. . . . . . . []. [][]{}{}[]~.~.~.[]{}{}[][]. 25. []. . . []
   []. 22. [][][][][][][][][]. [][]{}{}{}{}[]{}{}{}{}[][]. . . []. 26. []
   []. . . . . . . . . . . . . [][][]{}{}{}{}{}{}{}[][][]. . . | . dn. []
 1 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
   7       7       8         8         9         9         1         1 1
   1       5       0         5         0         5         0         0 0
                                                           0         5 6
Portal at 92,6,-3 to Axe Glacier Entry Portal
cu at 72,10,-3 to 72,10,0              dn at 81,24,-3 to 115,24,-4
up at 73,38,-3 to 38,38,-2             dn at 102,24,-3 to 136,24,-4
up at 88,18,-3 to 52,18,-2             dn at 104,2,-3 to 138,2,-4
up at 95,13,-3 to 59,13,-2
up at 101,10,-3 to 65,10,-2
up at 104,26,-3 to 68,26,-2
In the deepest regions of of the Kesmai Dungeon, the Brotherhood established
their main laboratory.  Many of their foulest experiments were conducted here.
From the lake above, the river flowed down, and flooded parts of the lowest
level.  a summoning room in the south was guarded by a pair of Secret doors
and a hallway of permanent darkness.  Monsters were created that were the
ancesters of some of the greatest monsters now found.  These monsters
were then transported (via the Portals) to the other lands, there to be
placed as guards for certain areas.
In the northwest corner of the level, another magical portal can be found.
It too seems to open to the sky, and is surrounded by trees.  this portal
will lead to the land of Oakvael, the land of the mighty trees.
In the northern most secton of the level, is a special temple area.  It
was from this area that the brotherhood made their infamous attempt at
summoning the Dragon.  the NE corner of this area was the office of the High
priest of Yasnac, with a sacrifical altar still marking the area.  The
Central Chamber was the grand summoning room, where the actual ritual was
performed.  The Dragon, who has been nicknamed Daisy by the local population,
still resides in the far western part of this chamber, near the altar used
during her original summoning.
Behind the Altar is a crypt, in which were once stored the Remains of
several of the original Yasnaci members.  Due to some strange magic, Ghouls
have come and taken over the crypt area.  Some have said that the ghouls
ate the remains of the former high priests, and managed to gain some of
thier power, while others claim that the ghouls are the animated remains
of those former high priests.  Whichever story is true (if either of them
are), the ghouls that guard the crypt are a very formidable opponent,      
particularly with the poisonous bite.  If an adventurer should be fortunate
enough to slay the Ghouls and any other guardians as may be found in the crypt,
they may sometimes find one of the legendary returning hammers that the
Brotherhood captured.
Kesmai Dungeon - Level -4 (Temple of Yasnac and Dragons Lair)
   [][][][][][][][][][][][]. . B [][][][][]~~~~. . . ~~~~::. . . mm. []
   [][][][][][][][][][][][]--[][][][]. . . ~~~~. . . ~~~~::. []. 1 . []
   [][][][][][][][][][][][]. . ~~[][]mm. A ::::. . . :_::::. []. . . []
35 [][][][][][][][][][][][]. . ~~[][]. . . ~~~~. . . ~~~~::. [][][][][]
   [][]{}{}{}{}{}{}{}[][][]~~~~~~~~~~[][][]~~~~. . . ~~~~::. [][][][][]
   []{}{}{}{}[]{}{}{}{}[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]. [][][][][]
   []{}{}[]. . . []{}{}[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]. [][][][][]
   []{}{}. . 2 . . {}{}[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]C [][][][][]
30 []{}[]. . * . . []. . . . | . . Passage of Lost Souls . . . . . . []
   []{}{}. . . . . {}{}[][][][]. []. []. []. []. []. []. []. [][][]. []
   []{}{}[]. . . []{}{}[][]. []. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . []. []. []
   []{}{}{}{}[]{}{}{}{}[][]--[][][]. []--[][][]SD[][][][][]. []--[]--[]
   [][]{}{}{}{}{}{}{}[][][]. . . | . []. []. . . []. . . []. []. . . []
25 [][][][][][][][][][][][]. 2 . [][][]. []. 3 . [_[][]. []. []. . . []
   [][]. []. . . up. [_~~SD. . . []. . . []. . . | . . . []up[]. 4 . []
   [][]. []. [][_[_[_[_~~[][][][][]--[]. [][][][][][][]. []. []. . . []
   [][]. []. [_~~~~~~~~~~[]. | . . . []. . . []. . . []. []. []. . . []
   [][]. []. ~~~~~~. [_. [][][]. . . [][][][][]. [][][][][]. [][][]SD[]
20 [][]. . ~~~~. . . [_. . . []. . . . . . . SD. []. . . . . . . []. []
   [][][][]~~[_--[][][_[][][][]. . 5 . . . . [][][]. [][][][][]. []. []
   [][]. []~~[_. []. . . . . | . . . . . . . []. . . []. . . []. []. []
   [][]. []~~~~~~~~. [][][]. [][][][][][][][][][][][][]. 6 . []. []. []
   [][]. []. ~~~~~~. []. . . []                      []. . . | . []. []
15 [][]. []--~~~~~~. []. . . []                      []--[][][][][]--[]
   [][]. . . ~~~~~~~~[]. . . []                      []. []. . . . . []
   [][]. 7 . [][_[_~~[]. 8 . []                      [][][]. . . . . []
   [][]. . . | . ~~~~[]. . . []                      []. | . . . 9 . []
   [][][][][][]. ~~[_[]. . . []                      [][][][][]. . . []
10 [][]. ~~~~~~~~~~. | . . . []                      []. . . []. . . []
   [][]~~~~River~~~. [][][]--[]                      [][][]. []. []--[]
   [][]. ~~of~~~~~~. []. . . []                      []. []. []. []. []
   [][]~~~~CURE~~[][][]. []. []                      []. []--[]. [][][]
   [][]~~~~~~[]. []. . . []. [][][][][][][][]        []. . . []. . . []
 5 [][]~~~~~~[]--[]. [][][]--[][]. . . . . []    [][][]. . . [][][]--[]
   [][]~~~~~~. . []. []. . . [][]. **o **. []    []. . . . . . . . . []
   [][]~~. . 10. []. []. 11. SDSD. 12. . . [][][][]. . . 13. . . . . []
   []~~~~. . . . []. []. . . [][][][][][]??????????. . . . . . up. . []
 1 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
   1   1         1         1         1         1         1         1
   0   1         1         2         2         3         3         4
   8   0         5         0         5         0         5         0
B. Returning Hammer Crypt (Watch for the Ghouls)
C. Point of no return (No Recall/No Quit beyond this point in the Dragon's
up at 115,24,-4 to 81,24,-3
up at 136,24,-4 to 102,24,-3
up at 138,2,-4 to 104,2,-3
Portal at 112,30,-4 to Oakvael Plains Portal