These are the results of a SOL test conducted under the auspices and supervision of the Balm and Ringseller's Federation (B.A.R.F) on April 10th, 1990 at the temple in Torri. The Sol was wielded by your faithful author, Silly..Alf. The body was kindly provided by R.Selrahc..alf. Preliminary information of note is as follows. The SOL was wielded by a 19th level knight with 2nd rank brilliant skill in the SOL and wearing 4 strength glowers. A strength spell was cast prior to commencing the test which expired on round 16 and was not recast (more than 16 rounds elapsed in the test to allow for readouts of hits and balming...rounds are numbered by swings and not actual rounds). Wizard Selrahc is a 14th or 15th level wizard with 2 shield glowers, cloud dragon scales and a SOL. The Wizard's weapon skill is undetermined, but is believed to be in the range of skillful. ROUND NO. DAMAGE READOUT HITS REPORTED COMMENTS ____________________________________________________________________________ 1: heavy 122 2: moderate 54 3: moderate 68 4: heavy 106 5: blk'd by shield spell 6: heavy 121 7: heavy 140 8: blk's by shield spell 9: severe 160 10: mod 61 11: heavy 136 2 round stun 12: severe 150 13: blk'd by shield spell 14: blk'd by shield spell 15: heavy 137 16: blk'd by shield spell 17: severe 146 18: severe 162 19: heavy 140 _____________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL: 1703 Average hits per blow landed: 121.6 average hits per swing: 89.6 (includes blocks) % of swings blocked: 26.3% (5 blocks in 19 swings) It is noteworthy that NO swings were blocked by armor or weapons, but the shield glowers were effective in blocking 26.3% of the swings. Also of note is the following comparison of average hits with and without the benefit of a strength spell: Rounds 1:15 avg WITH strength spell (11 swings, 1255 hits): 114 Rounds 17:19 avg WITHOUT strength spell (3 swings, 448 hits): 149.3 I believe the results of damage inflicted without an operative strength spell is misleading due to the small number of swings (3). The sucessive hits were 146, 162 and 140 suggesting favorable rolls more than anything else. These results DO reflect a substantial increase in a previous test conducted by your reporter at skillful which yielded an overall average of 92.3 hits per round which is substantially less than the current average of 121.6. This suggests that each rise in skill level will produce an increase of 10 hits per round, on the average. However, no shield glowers were worn in the previous test and no blocks resulted. A repeat of this SOL test is indicated without use of shield glowers by the defender. Accordingly, another test will be conducted shortly under the following conditions: 1: Defender has no shield rings or weapon in hand; 2: Defender has SOL but no shield rings. Since few of the critters are wearing shield rings these days, much less the glowing kind, these future results may reflect a more accurate picture of damage inflicted in actual combat. Since your reporter knows from first hand experience that the bare hand ninjas are very capable of blocking a SOL with their hand, we are earnestly seeking the services of a well trained and experienced Martial Artist to assist in evaluating the SOL, both with and without shield glowers. If any Martial Artists are interested in participating in this proposed test, please enquire by leaving a message for the author in the forum. It is suggested that interested participants possess at least 300 hits in the interest of safety, and we recommend 350 as a precaution in the event of an exceptional dice roll. All tests will be conducted at the balmseller's for obvious reasons. Participants will be asked to assault the author first to prevent loss of his lawful status and irritation of the puppy dogs.