SEGMENTS.REF Welcome to my segment info file! I'm NOT going to describe all the lairs and dungeon levels, thats covered in enough other files! I try to show the segments how they are with the usual island population, unlike other files, which just describe the areas and crits. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Kesmai Kesmai is paradise for people who dedicate their life to help others, since every crt starts here. That means its full of new players with low or no game knowledge, but its home for some more experienced players too! The lower dungeon levels aren't worth hunting, but the upper levels are usually crowded. You should stay in Kesmai until you mastered the game's commands. By the time you can hunt -4, probably -3 you should leave Kesmai. Best suggested class: doesn't matters, all do fine ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Axe Glacier Axe sadly suffers to a low regen rate if you are alone and look in the wrong places. Its full of ice so moving is a pain and usually few players hunt in Axe. Even with these downsides I think of Axe as the most important BG segment, many items and weapons are only found in Axe as well as the best lairs. The lack of players can do good for you (see 'Oakvael' for more about this) Best suggested class: Thaum Followed by: Thief ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Leng Leng stinks! Low exp and loot, low regen rate, loong walks to few good places. Leng is only good for MA's who want to get their quest gauntlets and thrill seekers. Leng lairs have all worthless loot, best of them is the dragon with the awesome number of two useful items! Best suggested class: Wizard Followed by: Thief ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Oakvael Oak is the most hunted segment, best loot and exp opened that way. Only problem is that the regen rate can't always keep up with the speed the huge amount of players kill the crits, so you almost always have to search for crits, not to mention whole zoo's! It pays if you find them, but when unlucky some other player comes around the corner and kills half of the zoo you found. Oak is the only segment next to Kesmai which has BG lockers. The regen is usually better than Axe or Leng rate. That are the main reasons why Oak is so crowded while other segments are deserted. Best suggested class: Knight Followed by: Thaum/Wizard ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Annwn Annwn is the starter segment in AG. With the exception of its npc's and lairs its very much like BG (limited training/critique, low exp) Annwn is haunted by a mean bug which can cause it to crash (you'll see "MGFIE Fatal internal error" or something similiar) when too many players loot too much too fast. The game usually needs a reset to fix that crash. Because of that you shouldn't stay in Annwn when its very crowded for too long. Best suggested class: Doesn't matters, all do fine ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Torii Torii is a great segment! Fast regen, good exp and good loot. Only downside are the long walks from town to dungeon and trainers. Its a good idea to have several recalls set. Torii is one of the more dangerous segments because of the huge zoo's you can find, so a good weapon, high hps and skill are strongly suggested! Best suggested class: Knight Followed by: Thaum ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Rift Glacier Rift has low regen and roaming 'lair' crits. Its home to many npc's and fierce animals. The huge zoo's you can find in Rift, paired with the possibility of a dragon, drake or titan sitting around the next corner make Rift a segment that has trouble getting boring (until the low regen sets in) Its good to have locate amulets with you, and never forget your recall! Rift has many surprises, which I won't name here.. go and see by yourself! Best suggested class: Thaum Followed by: Thief ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Shukumei Home sweet home! Shuk is my favorite segment, its only downsides are a lack of lockers, possible low regen and only one area really worth hunting in. To make up for that Shuk has the highest skilled trainers, best exp in the game, last part for Knight/MA quest and without a doubt in Shuk can form the largest zoo's you ever saw! Its not as easy as Torii or Rift to see those zoo's, but Shuk overpowers them all! Of course, Shuk is VERY dangerous (half of my AG knights deaths happened in Shuk) and should NOT be hunted with low hps and/or skill! Shuk is much more fun when in a group (faster regen) but solo hunts pay off with a large amount of exp, loot and skillgain. Shuk is nothing for people with a weak heart Best suggested class: Knight Followed by: MA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- by THANATOS/Rugal/Inferno/Nemesis..KILL Comments and additions welcome