¥---- Get IoK Messages, 7/29/93, 8:58:44 PM, Multi-Player Games Forum ----¥ ¦FB¦MF Message: #168502, S/8 IoK/Town Plaza Date: Thu, Jul 29, 1993 8:29:15 PM Subject: #168479-Died, stripped :( From: Chaos/Snafu 75140,2237 To: USS Dave ^U^ 73677,2031 My skill macro has 2 accounts logged on at the same time here is what they do: Snafu: when mps reach max, cast prfi 3 times :top f ghost (holding mirror in left hand for poor blocking) goto top Bucky: when mps reach max, cast prfi 2 times if cure fails, cast another cure at snafu :top warm cure cast cure at snafu t spear;t spear throw spear at snafu throw spear at snafu goto top Both crts stand on the ghost's hex and swing for hours and hours. It takes about 40 hours at 9th dan for my wizard to gain 1 rank. Snafu P.S. Would like to get your stuff back to you soon so that I can hunt with BG Snafu.