Control Codes July 18, 1988 One tactic that a player who wishes to survive must learn is the proper use of control codes. The control codes are implemented by CIS and not by Kesmai, but their proper use often is required for survival. This file will discuss the appropriate use of each of the control codes. Control-O : This code is the most useful of them all. Most people play the game at 300 baud for monetary reasons. Sometimes, at 300 baud, it can take more than the 12 second round time to update you screen. This usually happens when you have a lot of critters attacking you at the same time. In this case, you could die before you get a chance to enter your command. By entering a Control-O you can halt the screen output, and immediately have your command processed. You must be aware that a Control-O will invalidate your display, you will need to do a redraw once you reach a safe place. Control-C : This code is used to clear your buffer space. It is possible, and often desirable, to enter many repetitious commands in advance. CIS provides input buffering for your commands, and will process your input in the order entered. This is often useful when you want to repeat a tedious command, like taking balm, several times, and go take a break. However, sometimes you will want to break the stack of commands, and enter a different command. This might be because of something attacking you, or some other reason. By entering Control-C, you can cancel this input buffer, and enter a command on the next round. Control-U : If you make a mistake in your command, you can erase the line by entering a Control-U. This is helpful if you see a mistake at the beginning of a line.