THIEF FACTS IOK Version 3(16) WHAT'S IN THIS FILE? THIEF.SPL is a file of reference information for thieves. It includes precise descriptions of all thief spells current in this version. Every thief should have a copy of this file. Depending, though, on what you're looking for, you may want to consult one of these other Library 7 files: BGGUID.MAN contains basic information for Island of Kesmai players. If you're not familiar with this information, you should look it up before reading further. THIEF.REF is a comprehensive reference file for thieves. It includes tips on everything from the basics to the finer points of running a thief. It is intended for players with some IOK experience. THIEF.INTRO is a short file intended for players creating a thief as their first character. It duplicates some information from this file and others, but in more concise form. MA-THF.REF gives instructions for running a thief who specializes in martial arts. This is primarily intended for experienced players. DARKFI.REF gives instructions to thieves who are interested in fighting in the dark with a halberd. This is primarily intended for experienced players. THIEVES A thief is a character whose primary ability is concealment. This is accomplished by the Hide spell, which is known to all thieves. Thieves fight well, but generally prefer bushwhacking and looting to a fair fight. The ability to hide in shadows, remaining essentially invisible, enables thieves to penetrate into dangerous areas where few other characters dare go. Thieves are also able to learn simple spells, such as hiding doorways and creating darkness, which can serve to protect them in their most daring escapades. Thieves can pickpocket monsters and even other players, but in recent versions of the game, they are usually caught. THIEVERY SKILL Skill Level Thief Skill Skill Level Thief Skill ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 untrained 10 dextrous 1 clumsy 11 adroit 2 mediocre 12 expert 3 average 13 astonishing 4 talented 14 amazing 5 practiced 15 incredible 6 deft 16 magician 7 efficient 17 peerless 8 graceful 18 incomparable 9 professional 19 master MAGIC SKILL Skill Level Male and Female Skill Level Male and Female ----------- --------------- ----------- --------------- 0 untrained 10 master of secrets 1 skulker in shadows 11 master thief 2 master of mischief 12 shadow thief 3 diviner of magics 13 shadow mage 4 knight of darkness 14 shadow stalker 5 opener of ways 15 shadow lord 6 lurker in darkness 16 thief of wands 7 obscurer of ways 17 thief of cups 8 master of water 18 thief of pentacles 9 master of air 19 thief of souls SKILL GAIN Thievery skill is improved by picking locks or pockets. Thieves are naturally better at these things because they were "born" into their profession. A thief must have a lockpick in their right hand in order to train. Unlike most skills, thievery decays very slowly when not used. Magic skill is improved by casting spells. A thief must have a book of spells in his right hand in order to train magic skill. Magic skill decays very slowly when not used. Shuriken skill is considered basic for thieves. A thief must have a shuriken in his right hand in order to train. Shuriken skill decays slowly, as does bow skill. SPELL LIST The spell names are followed by three different headings. SL is the Skill Level at which you can learn the particular spell. MP is the number of Magic Points required to cast the spell. And Cost is the price of purchasing the spell from a Trainer. Spell Name SL MP Cost ---------- -- -- ---- Hide in Shadows 1 3 0 (There are no spells above level Close/Open Door 2 3 50 10 in the current version of IOK.) Identify Item 3 3 200 Create Darkness 4 4 300 Create Recall Ring 4 8 600 Create Portal 5 5 400 Neutralize Poison 5 4 300 Find Secret Doors 5 4 400 Night Vision 6 8 25000 Hide Door 7 9 1200 Breathe Water 8 6 500 Feather Fall 9 8 20000 Wizard Eye 10 13 4000 SPELL DESCRIPTIONS The following list of spells is arranged in alphabetical order so you can readily find a particular spell. You should read over all the spells as there are changes to many of the existing spells as well as the new spells. *** Breathe Water *** This spell gives the spellcaster the ability to breathe water. You may cast this spell on yourself or another person. To cast the spell on yourself, give the correct incantation, and then, type CAST BREATHEWATER To cast the spell on another person, that person must be standing in the same space as you are: CAST BREATHEWATER AT Using this spell, you can remain in the water for about five minutes without drowning, regardless of how much you are carrying. Items that contain the spell of breathe water will give the same capability as long as the item is worn. *** Close/Open Door *** This spell will close or open a door from a distance, which is useful whenever you want to know what is on the other side of a door, but don't dare walk over to see. To close or open a door first recite the proper incantation. Then say "cast codoor", followed by a path to the door you wish to affect. For example, CAST CODOOR N N N will open or close a door thirty feet to the north. This spell will not open secret doors or locker doors nor will it close a door if a creature is standing in the targeted doorway. *** Darkness *** This spell enables the spellcaster to create regions of darkness. The spell is prepared by chanting the appropriate incantation, and cast by saying "cast darkness" followed by the direction the spell should go. Thus, saying CAST DARKNESS N N will cause a region of darkness centered twenty feet to the north and thirty feet in diameter. (Unlike the Wizard version of this spell, the darkness never varies in size ) *** Feather Fall *** While this spell is in effect, the Thief will not take any damage for falling 5000 feet or less. This is a personal spell that the Thief can only use on himself or herself. To cast this spell, speak the proper chant, then say CAST FEATHERFALL *** Find Secret Doors *** This spell will open all the secret doors in the vicinity of the spellcaster for a finite amount of time. To use the spell, chant the incantation, then say CAST FSDOOR Take care not to get caught passing through the doorway when the spell wears off! *** Hide Door *** This spell can be used by Thieves to magically conceal a door. To hide a doorway first recite the proper incantation. Then say cast Hidedoor followed by a path to the door you wish to conceal. For example: CAST HIDEDOOR N NW will hide the door that is twenty feet to the north and ten feet west. The hidden door can be opened by a search command or an Fsdoor spell. The doorway reverts back to normal when opened or when the spell expires. *** Hide in Shadows *** This personal spell creates shadows which enable the Thief to become invisible. Players and monsters who are not either in the same space as the Thief, or in an adjacent space to the Thief, have only a small chance of spotting him or her in any given round. The odds of being spotted depend on the Thief's skill versus the other player's level. If the other player is also a Thief, the odds of hiding successfully are reduced considerably. To use the spell, give the incantation, and say CAST HIDE The spell will stay up as long as you are wearing no armor heavier than leather or scales, are carrying no weapon larger than a short sword, dagger, or crossbow and remain next to a wall or some other solid terrain to cast shadows. If you take damage or step away from a wall, the spell is broken. The spell is not broken if you are seen. *** Identify Item *** Identify item will enable the Thief to find out exactly what almost any unknown item is. To use the spell, hold the unknown item in your right hand, and give your incantation. Then say CAST IDENTIFY A general class of items that identify item will not work on are articles of clothing such as armors and animal pelts. Animal pelts do not have a specific spell associated with them, but often they retain some of the magical properties of the creature from whence the hide came. *** Make Recall Ring *** This spell will transmute a gold ring into a recall ring, which can be used for fast transportation. Warm the spell, and then cast it by saying CAST MAKERECALL while holding a plain gold ring in your right hand. Never cast the spell on anything other than a gold ring! *** Neutralize Poison *** This spell will neutralize poison. After reciting the proper incantation, say CAST NEUTRALIZE or CAST NETURALIZE AT where is a poisoned person or creature standing in the same space as the spellcaster. *** Night Vision *** This spell allows a Thief to see in darkness, even the variety created by a Create Darkness spell. To cast this spell, chant the proper incantation, then say CAST NIGHTVISION *** Portal *** This spell enables the spellcaster to create a short-lived opening through any normally impassible material, with only a few exceptions. The spellcaster must first chant the appropriate incantation, then say cast portal and the direction he or she wishes to go. For example: CAST PORTAL W will create a hole in the wall to the west. The spell creates a hole in the wall which lasts for a number of rounds proportional to the skill level of the spellcaster. Take care not to be standing in the portal when it closes. *** Wizard Eye *** This is a spell that allows a spellcaster to transfer his or her consciousness into a small animal created by the spell. If the spellcaster is a Wizard, the creature created is a toad. If the spellcaster is a Thief, the creature created is a rat. With the use of this spell, the spellcaster is able to explore areas without having to subject his or her person to any possible nastiness that might be lurking around. When Wizard Eye is cast, the spellcaster immediately hears and sees things from the vantage point of the creature created. Being small, the creature is not easily seen, but because it is small, it is also not hard to kill. To cast this spell, give the proper chant, then say CAST WIZARDEYE You should be careful to make sure your real body is in a safe place, since while your consciousness is in the body of the toad or rat, the consciousness of the rat or toad will be in your body. Fortunately, the shock to the lesser intelligence's mind is such that it will not attempt to do anything other than lie there in a comatose state. This spell is broken if either your real body or the creature's body is damaged. Also, you may break this spell voluntarily by typing REST (Edited capture file from PG documentation...copyright Kesmai Corp. edited by Baron Thudd....zar 72357,2072 and Heloise 71061,773.)