Death and Death Piles Ironically, one of the major facets of life in Kesmai is death in Kesmai. One unavoidable fact is that at some point you will die. The trick, therefore, is to learn how to avoid dying. This file will discuss some of the facts about death, and what to do afterwards. Types - There are three types of death that you can experience. The most severe type is being eaten. Several creatures in the game will eat you if they kill you. They include all of the dragons, ghouls, Thisson, and the giant in Axe Glacier. Being eaten is a final death, you will lose your character, and be forced to reroll. The most common type of death is to die in combat with another creature. When this occurs, you lose one quarter of your experience points, and often you will lose a strength point also. At this point you can either be resurrected by the ghods, or a thaumaturge can resurrect you. Additionally, another player could carry you to the priest. If you are resurrected by the ghods, you will lose two constitution points. Otherwise, you will not lose any. If your constitution is 3, then the ghods will 'give up' on you and you will not be resurrected. The effect is the same as being eaten. The third type of death is one that causes you to die, but you do not lose experience points for the death. Death by falling, poison, and area effects, such as fire or ice, are the most common ways for this type of death to occur. You still suffer the loss of a strength point, and the constitution loss if you are resurrected by the ghods. In the case of the last two types of death, you will also lose a number of hit points. If you had few hit points to begin with (less than 100) you will usually lose two. Once you get over 200 points, then you will lose between one and eight. When you are resurrected, you will have half of your hits on, and be down to one point of stamina. Exceptions - There are a few exceptions to the above types. If you are of an evil alignment, then any death is a permanent one. It is also possible to suffer a permanent death by old age (see the file 'age.ref' for more information). If your corpse is dropped at the tailor, you will suffer a permanent death. Finally, if you phone slam, or are disconnected while a corpse, you will suffer a permanent death. Stripping - If you suffer a permanent death you will be stripped. If you are killed in hand to hand combat with a creature, you will also be stripped by that creature, usually. This leads to the horrifying spectacle of watching the creatures pick up and wear your hard earned armor, and pick up and use your weapons. If you are killed by one of the methods that does not result in experience loss, you will usually not be stripped. Being stripped means that all of your clothing and equipment will be sitting in a pile, called a death pile. Of course, if your killers carried everything away, then your equipment could be anywhere. You might be forced to kill just about every creature in the dungeon to retrieve your equipment. Stripping will also occur when another player searches your corpse. One other interesting note, if there are many piles throughout the segment then you might suffer an 'autostrip' which is when you get stripped, even though you should not have been. Whether or not you are stripped, whatever you were carrying in your hands will be dropped. Burned Corpses - If you die while standing in a fire, your corpse will be burned up. This results in an automatic resurrection by the ghods, your companions will not be able to carry you to the priest. If a creature that eats you, kills you while that creature is in the same space with you, you will be eaten, despite of the flames. Death Pile Recovery - If your equipment is lying in a pile, the first thing you should do is try to get someone to watch it for you. If you can, then you need to make your way into the dungeon, either naked, or with another character, to recover the equipment. Be sure to be polite to anyone who helps you out. Remember, they are doing you a favor. If your equipment has been carried off by creatures, then timeliness if of critical importance. You need to get back there and kill the creatures before they have the opportunity to wander off. Also, if another player kills a creature carrying one of your rings, then they will likely praise their luck and continue on, ignorant of the fact that you lost the ring. Statistic Recovery - If you die and lose strength or constitution, you can recover these points. There are potions which will restore both of these statistics, permanently. See the file 'potion.ref' for further information. Character Tied Weapons - If you die a final death, you must be aware that weapons that are tied to your character will not be transferable to your next incarnation. All knight's enchanted weapons, shovels, returning hammers, and quest weapons fall into this category. Banks and Lockers - If you die a final death, then your bank account will remain available to the next incarnation. Additionally, any items in your locker will be available to your new character. A Final Note - Death is a necessary part of learning the game. You will die several times when you are learning how to play. However, at some point, you will be proficient enough at the game, where you should not have to die again. When you reach this point, it is important to avoid dying. Even though it is possible to recover from a death, it is the single greatest drain on your resources. The best players in the game die rarely, if at all. The best players in the game are also able to quickly recover from a major death (being eaten). It is important that you realize that it is your knowledge of the game, not the abilities and equipment your character possesses that define success.